
Your child’s safety and wellbeing is paramount so we are introducing measures to ensure that we can operate safely.

Anyone who is unwell with symptoms of Covid-19 or has tested positive should not come to our after school drama clubs, weekend classes or holiday clubs.

Hygiene/Effective infection protection and control

  • Ensure good hygiene for everyone

  • Maintain appropriate cleaning regimes, using standard products such as detergents

  • Keep occupied spaces well ventilated

  • Follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19

Primary School Drama Club

  • children will be collected from their classrooms by one drama teacher.

Weekend Classes

  • as per the new guidelines, children from different schools and different year group bubbles can take part in extra curricular activities.

Holiday Clubs

  • as per the new guidelines, children from different schools and different year group bubbles can take part in extra curricular activities.


  • whilst working indoors, we will ensure there is suitable ventilation and there is clear signage to prevent overcrowding.

  • limiting the number of children using a designated toilet at one time.

  • children, young people, parents, carers or any visitors, such as suppliers, MUST NOT enter our setting if they are displaying any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) (following the COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection).

First Aid

  • Medication should be given to the school who will store this safely and away from children.

  • Each drama teacher has up to date paediatric first aid training and qualifications.